We need your help
Hello Singles
This message is going out to the 3 groups i run.. Sno-King Singles, Eastside Singles, and Sno-KingSingles.com plus soon to have SinglesEventsplus.com up and running.
We need your help with donations.
We are in the need to buy Plates, Plastic ware , Cups, Table covers , Pens, paper and other
items for our events like the Mini Potluck Socials and BBQ Potluck weekends that we host..
We are also in need of funds for our groups hosting services. The Services cost around $100.00 a month and i would like to prepay for them for a time and not have to worry about them..
Yes it does cost money and time to organize and host these groups and sites..
Those who have joined our events have met great friends and even some have met lifetime partners.
Any help would be great. You can donate on the site or at one of our events
or even paypal a donation directly to snokinggroup@yahoo.com
Thanks to all that have helped in the past it has made a huge impact on many people
Keith and Leadership team
PS We are always looking for helpers please feel join us on June 3rd for more information on how to become a part or our great team or just to know what is going on with the groups.
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